It turns out that new parents have a lot to learn about being in Cub Scouts and finding a person to ask is well... Okay, so they could ask any parent in the scouts but they tend not to ask because they don't want to feel silly for not knowing what everyone else just seems to know.
So I promised last month that I was going to keep a journal of how my weight-loss was going. Well, the good news is I am down to 209! The bad news. I really am not one for remembering or maybe its making time to do the Monday Check in.
I have lost weight. Good. I have increased physical activity. Good. I have even worked on my other long term goal of going back to school. Thanks needs to go to my Mom who paid my debt to University of Phoenix. I finished my application and I will be returning to my classes on 4-30-13. I decided to change my major. I will not be finishing my Bachelors degree in Business Management, instead I will return to my roots and take Information Technology. My major focus of study will be Multimedia Visual Design and Communication. That seems to be more inline with my past behavior of spending all available time either on the internet or involved in theatrics.

Also helps that I work as a contractor for Facebook. It just means that the daily tie in is simple rather than complicated.
So yeah me! Got some weight off and finally made good on the threat to go back to school.
I have also made some changes to how with Cub Scouts Pack is run since I am now Officially in charge of my pack as the Pack Chairman. I had a hyper focus moment and wrote some Parent Cliff notes that I showed around Tuesday night.

I will post those Cliff Notes soon. I have a few minor updates before I share it with you. It is six mind blowing pages of incredible information that is specific to our Cub Scouts Pack and general information all in one place. Go figure that out. Ask any "Scout Parent", you know the one that does everything for the pack all by themselves and they can't get anyone to help or volunteer without being bitch why that is. The will tell you they don't know why no one steps up. I think I know. Now my pack will test that theory.