Monday, May 24, 2021

Go Marry an established man

 An Established man... 

UmI've had a rough go of life. The last few years the hardships of dysfunctional marriage sliced my life to bits. I stumbled because of it. A personal financial crisis and a pandemic have come, too. I claw my way back up, make a plan, work that plan, despite the problems created by lack of health, lack of finance and taking a virus head-on. And then when my mother sees me struggling, instead of helping, shouts, "just go find an established man and get married."

Feminist me says "what?!"

What did she mean? Did she mean quit attempts to finish school? Just let some "man" decide my future? What the hell?

What century are we in? Did I miss something? Is that why she was with my stepfather and seems willing to go back despite the years of abandonment? Does man money spend better? 

relationship ghosts

What's in the darkness,
when you open your eyes. 
I am breathing in water. 
Sands around my feet.
Pretend it is okay, again. 
bending over backward, 
hands touching the sky
few choices, the sand bury the hands

What does the voice speak in silence.
when you open your mouth.
Your silence drowns over my voice.
Smothered in their flames
Pretend it is okay, again. 
bending further, water boils 
fewer choices, flame melts sand

What to do when the ears bleed
from the fish in the ear. 
It burrows deeper. 
Its eggs are hatching.
Pretend its okay, hatchlings
Break in the bend
Glass shattered, never truly freed, 
burrow deeper hatchlings.