Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How the day was spent

So. Well. Huh.  I guess those are the words I like best. 

I thought I was gonna do something.  Not sure what, I was gonna do because I did not have a plan.  Though this was not it.  The day started with a terrific headache.  It turns out 2+ glasses of wine are not that good for me.  They make me uckey!  I can't remember the last time I was hung over, and now I hope that I can forget this one and never do it again. Of course everytime we people drink too much we always say I will never do that again.  No I did not throw up.  I just had an awful headach that took hours and several Exedrines to clear up. 

I learned today that Cub Scouts has changed back to Tuesdays.  Which is a good thing.  Those Thursdays were starting to get too stressful due to conflicting demands.  I am a tad bit crazy, I am sure you are nodding your head to that one.  I volunteered for a Chair position with the Grand Canyon Boy Scouts.  I am absolutely certain I am in over my head.  I just don't know how much.  Since that required me to be somewhere else at the same time I was supposed to be supervising my kids while my Bear Cub participated on Thursday nights.  This is really a good thing for me.  I also had our Cub Scout Pack 293 Parent Committee Meetings 1 Thursday a month, also at the same time as the den meeting.  So I think its really good. 

I Spent my day chasing a toddler with a head cold who thought it was a great idea to run in the sprinklers in 50 degree weather while dragging a long haired dog.  Yeah, the dog really enjoyed that, ( totally sarcastic).

Then I finally remembered to take my antidepressant, which I have started to see some improvement from.  Its not gonna change me, its just gonna help kick me out of bed and into the shower a few hours earlier and possibly more than once in a week.  I took that.  I made lunch for the soaked toddler and blow dryed the fluffy and smelly dog.  Wished it was warmer. 

Got the toddler to take a nap, though I fell asleep with him for a while.  Then finally checked the emails I wanted to check hours earlier.  Realized that the Cub Scouts Den meeting had been changed, and that I have a doctors appointment Wednesday morning.  Checked up with my Boy Scout Executive to learn what I needed to do for Thursday night.  Found out I will be speaking publicly about Scout O Rama which happens in April.  Prayed for sanity.  Edited the Scout-O-Rama video so ti would only run 1 minute instead of 4 minutes.  Then made the 8 year old cook hot dogs for dinner so we could go to the Cub Scouts Den Meeting.  Go.  Go. Go. 

Sleep.  No.  Still want to do a thousand things.  If only I could remember what they were so I could plan for tommorow.

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