Saturday, April 21, 2012

presto, its all done, and not started yet

So the pile of papers turned into a rejection letter.  Bummer, but not surprised.  Unfortunately, Social Services steps require one to apply even when they don't think they need it or even want it.  I admit it would have been nice to have a bit of extra income.

Since then, I found a job.  An awful one at that!  I am still waiting for the temp agency to let me know when the position at the better paying job starts.  I wonder if I am being strung along for this silly job that has not started.  I postponed my commission with the other Insurance Company because it really doesn't make sense to have it yet.

I am intensely worried about the purchase of our home.  I wonder if having a job will actually qualify us for the better VA home loan or if this is just a fools chase.  I know that short sales take a long time to process, and the closer we get to the end of the school year, the more worried I get.  I want that house.  I think it is the right place to go.  But if it doesn't happen soon I think our down payment and closing cost will be gone.

The last two weeks has been spent feverishly seeking jobs, I have no interest in keeping longer than this summer, and thinking about what it is I do want.  I have learned sitting at a desk staring at a computer hour after hour is not something I want.  Neither is telemarketing of any kind, at least not if that is the only task.  I want to see people.  I like face time.  I also want to be involved in my community.  I am enjoying Cub Scouts and think it is not all that bad of a gig, even if it does not pay cash.  It is analytical, involves face time, involves multiple locations and changing activities, has lots of research and creative thinking.  It is all around a great job, it just does not pay.  So I need to re-write my resume.  My resume just does not show what I can do, or how much I love doing it!

I have also spent the last week chasing around children covered in Pink Eye germs.  It is quite gross!  First one then the other eye, then the next child gets it.  I have no idea what is for dinner, the kids are at the pool with Dad and I want to take another nap!

It is Daddy's birthday this weekend, so wish me luck.  Hoping the nice mortgage lady tells me what I want to hear this week, and that I finally get word on the better paying gig, or get a new better gig all around!  Of course My dirty brain has been crusing the links on thinking well I could do that.  Yeah, I know I won't not because I value myself that much, but because if I did I don't think I would be welcome in the Cub Scouts as a Chair Person/Leader.  Just dirty minds thinking how much fun it might have been to be young, stupid and in great physical shape.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I am so Great! I am so Great! Yes, I did say that. I am so bored, I am so great! Now come and give me all your money and solve my problems. Yes, you with that magic wand! Look at that nice kitty! Hey stop that I just cleaned the couch! Bad Kitty!

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