Tuesday, March 8, 2011

new dose definitely working

so I must say that the new dose of adderall xr is working.  While I felt like I accomplished absolutely nothing yesterday, I did quite a bit more then usual.

Yesterday night I had trouble sleeping.  Perhaps a side effect  of Adderall or maybe the change in Birth Control or the acid reflux drug that was started last week.  Anyway when the baby woke at 1:45 in the morning I had trouble going back to sleep, but managed too anyway.

When I got up yesterday morning my mind was racing!  I had a non-stop list of "need to", "should do", "must do", "want to do", "can't wait", "oh, I forgot that again" and why can't I just stop all this and go back to bed.  I couldn't go back to bed.  It was only 4am, I laid there until 6:20am when I just could not take it anymore.

I went to my new household board, I wrote down the things that I needed to get out of my head.   11 items made it to the board.  I crossed off one.  That was all I crossed off.  I sat down to check my email and somehow I ended up looking up info about VA Health Benefits, GI Bill, School for my Husband, What I would need to do to go to school myself, something to do with life insurance.  That took all day.  I never made dinner.  I ended up at Fry's grocery store paid the electric bill and got fried chicken.

Later in the evening my husband got home and I convinced him to consider going to school again before he looses his GI Bill benefits and that he needed to enroll in the VA Health care program so we didn't ever need to pay for his dental work again and so he can get new glasses.

So I am certain I got more done, just not what was on the to do list when I started.

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