Well the weatherman was right. It is raining and it is a cold slow drizzle. I worked on the second garden box this morning. I even got my son to take pictures, because I forgot to do that earlier before I built the first box. I had to take a break to drive to the Surprise Lowe's so my cub scout AJ could watch a video and get a patch. It started raining so now we are just waiting for a break in the rain so we can go move the bricks and put the box where it is supposed to be. Then we will fill it with new garden dirt we got from Lowe's. Sorry but I underestimated how much dirt it would take to fill up the box.
While at Lowe's I stared at the Kregg Pocket Drill kit. It looks so fancy compared to the generic one I got from the Home Depot. Of course my not fancy pocket drill kit cost $30.00 and the super fancy Kregg cost $130.00. They do the same thing so what the hell? I guess it cost a whole lot to run that infomercial every Sunday. I bet if you look you will find it on this weekend. :)
As a family we also picked up 2 Pinewood Deurby Kits for the boys to make. Looks like it is a project above the kids skill level, oh well. I guess their first cars will just be messy and rough around the edges. They can make better ones next year.
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