So I went back to the mental health care clinic yesterday. I actually went two days in a row. The first for general counseling to see if my mood is improving. Therapist thought it was improving. So yesterday was for the med check. It was a new med person. I am not sure changing med persons was good for me. I don't think she truly understood me and I don't think I understood her questions the way she wanted. It is something that has to do with no small talk and very little introduction. I get. Your busy and you just took over hundreds of patients in addition to your own. But it made for a less then great experience. Does she understand that her questions really need to be specific and if you want to know about more then the last 6 weeks you need to tell me. I am not working that is in my past. I am not going to school that is in my past, and really 15 minutes to ask me is too little time to investigate an improvement or problem with my adderall medication.
When you get asked a question and you are looking to your clinician to explain what type of behavior she is talking about, you really need to know. I was not trying to be rude, but I really did not get what she implied by "burst of energy"... Does she mean do you stay up all night doing things? or does she mean are you more active in general? Is she talking about something else? When she says are their things that you "focus on more"? What the hell does that mean? Yes I spend more time on the internet then I should. I know I really need to mop the kitchen floor, dust all the things in the house and oil the wood furniture. I should do those. I mean I eventually will before we move again.
Do people with ADHD move more often? I don't know, but I would like to know. I have read about many others who are "suffering" and not thriving with ADHD and having issues with credit and just remembering to pay bills on time. I definitely relate to their suffering. What about friends? Do they have as much trouble as I do connecting with people? Staying connected? Or just being in the same room as their spouse. Do we hyper-focus on the same things? Do they also have trouble with the noise at the grocery store, have they also tried going to the store in the middle of the night because fewer people and distractions are there? Are they annoyed and frustrated by the same things? Do they start thinking about other things on the "to-do list" in the middle of sex? Do they also wish sex did not last as long? Really, trying to find answers to real questions and real solutions is hard. Still need to finish balancing the check book, guess I should finish.
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