Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day four....

Today was a whirlwind! My baby is still sick, though the fever seems to be breaking. He hasn't been more than 100 all day! When this kid gets sick; he really gets sick. He took two naps today! Yeah me I got to shower and wash a load of laundry!

I checked the bank balance, and just as one would suspect the bank account is broke. A tiny bummer because my oldest wanted to buy a toy for his friends birthday party. :(. I took the two older boys to the party where they jumped and jumped to their hearts delight! It was a family style birthday, the kind that reminded me of my dysfunctional cousins from back when we lives on the south aide of town. If you've got no clue what I am talking about imagine this: a bouncey house in the front, music blasting in English and Spanish, baroque grilling, rented tables and chairs lining the front driveway And all the neighborhood kids running around.
My kids enjoyed themselves, had fun with the piƱata and ate ice cream cake till they got ice creAm headaches! Being a south side family type party I came home with two burgers with all the toppings, four hot dogs, extra cake, a bag of juicy and ripe oranges, and half a dozen juice boxes. I forgot to mention the pound of candy!

I browsed the residential streets of Peoria. I tell my kids it treasure hunting. I drive around looking for something good in the stuff that wealthier people throw out on bulk trash collection. Last year I found a nice tv stand that is being used to hold all the other equipment in the living room. I didn't find anything today. :(

Positive note my klout score increased this weekend. If you don't know about you might want to try them out. It's a way to see how influential you are online. It is actually interesting to learn what make them go up and what has no effect.

I know what your wondering...Did she go home? What happened since yesterday? Not much interaction. But ha has placed a rebuttal in the comments to my last few days of post. Just as before I have made the decision to leave the comments unedited. They are there for all to read if you'd like. Other than that there was no actual progress or any set backs for the day.

I did spend sometime taking some of those Cosmo type quizzes about should you get a divorce, Lack of surprise they all said I should except for the quiz on Dr. Phil. As far as I can tell only one or two percent of the divorced would meet Dr. Phil's standard to get a divorce. So he either thinks nearly all relationships can be saved or thinks most people are far more mature and level headed than we are.


Anonymous said...

What a clever way to get more hits on your blog. Although I don't agree with the way he's treated you I also don't believe you are without blame! Instead of posting your problems on Facebook for all to see. Seek professional help. If you are both hurting as stated do something about it!

Pamela said...

Dear Anonymous,

You should know that I am in counciling and have been for nearly all of the last seven years. All absence from counciling has been due to lack of insurance coverage. I would like to point out that every professional has advices me to divorce. A very longtime ago he went to couples counciling but nothing changed long term and once the insurance coverage ended he never returned, even once we received new coverage. When he explodes and then makes amends he promises he will go to counciling, but as of yet, never has... It's impossible to repair a conflict when the other party simply does not want to put in work to make it function better.

Anonymous said...

I love how whenever someone mentions that you are also partly to blame in the events that occur you immediately go into defense mood and never admit you could also handle things differently. As for me posting responses, do you think anyone enjoys being talked about behind thee back. Do you think it is ok for people that don’t know me to hear you describe me as a monster that makes every attempt to hurt and the kids? Because I am always like that and never just trying to do my best. You are very good at pointing out people at their worst but you never acknowledge their good qualities. Yes I get mad and we fight, and what do I do to calm myself down, I clean. Wow, I’m a monster. Not like you who decides to leave the house for hours on end and then come back and act like nothing had happen. Sure I need counseling, but I also go to school and go to work five days a week and any time I have I try to enjoy that little freedom by playing with my kids or hanging out with my wife watching Doctor Who, so sorry that I haven’t thought about calling to get help. And for the record I did attempt at seeking counseling but after three times being told to call back the following week I gave up.

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